Hydrothol GranularHydrothol Granular
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Hydrothol Granular

Our # 1 Seller for Submersed Weeds! Very effective against a broad spectrum of submersed weeds, also controls Problem Algae at the same time - A winning one - two Punch! Hydrothol 191 has been successfully used for over 25 years. The label says it all - pond weeds, naiads, milfoils, coontail, stargrass, hydrilla, canada waterweed and many algae types including the tough ones. A great choice for lake-shore weed & algae control. Apply with a hand scoop or hand held spreader.

One box treats 100 ft along the lake-shore x 65 ft out into the lake. Two boxes recommended per season(80 lbs.total). Recommend first treatment May/June and second treatment July/August.

Availability: In stock

Product Name Price Shipping Qty
20 lb bag
+ Regularly $178, Save $30 Qty:
40 lb Bag
+ Regularly $295, Save $30 Qty:

Hydrothol Example:

  • Sample: *Typical Rates: 7.5 to 12.5 Lbs per 1000 sq ft. 4 Ft average depth.

Hydrothol 191 Granular Specs:

  • Water Use Restrictions: None on Swimming, None on Fishing, *None on established turf.
  • Container Size: 20 Lb. resealable bag(s)
  • Formulation: Granular


*Consult Label for Exact Doses, Additional Restrictions & Important Application Directions. Rates vary depending upon depth and plant types. Dose requirements are less for whole waterbody treatments like a pond.


The Hydrothol 191 Product Label is available for download in pdf.

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