Identify Weeds
Identify Weeds
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Algae are primitive plants that exhibit no true leaves, stems or root systems. When algae grows in abundance it is easily observed changing the water color or forming surface mats. Algae can easily cover a ponds surface. There are several categories of algae.
Planktonic - The type that changes the water color. Usually green (pea soup) or brown or even red.
Filamentous - The type that is mat forming. Prior to forming surface mats it may appear as stringy strands beneath the surface often attached to dock legs, plants and rocks.
Branched - The type that looks similar to a plant. Branched or Chara type algae generally grows densely along the bottom suppressing most other growth. See the descriptions below.
Identify the algae problem; choose the recommended solution. We are always here to help.
Midwest Aqua Care, Inc. Since 1979
Filamentous Matted Algae
Filamentous Algae is found commonly in water bodies worldwide. This algae type generally floats on the surface of the water. It can easily attach it self to rocks, dock legs and boat hulls.
Our #1 Recommendation:
Cutrine Plus LiquidPea Soup
Pea Soup grows entirely underwater, except for a small white flower that blooms during the summer. It is very dense and limits visibilty.
Our #1 Recommendation:
Cutrine Plus LiquidChara-Branched Algae
Chara is bushy, textured algae often mistaken for lake weed. It does not root, but floats under the surface of the water.
Our #1 Recommendation:
Cutrine Plus GranularSwimmers Itch
Swimmers Itch is caused by a free swimming parasite which results in severe itching and red welts. You'll know it if you have it!
Our #1 Recommendation:
Copper Sulfate