Identify Weeds
Identify Weeds
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Navigate is an aquatic granular formulation that is remarkably effective on Water lilies, Northern and Eurasian watermilfoil an exotic species.
Our # 1 Seller for Submersed Weeds! Treats: Problem Algae, Bushy Ponweed-Naiads, Milfoils, Coontail, Stargrass, Hydrilla, Canda Waterweed, and more!
Sonar Q (Quick release pellets) is a great choice for submerged weed control in ponds. Controls coontail, bladderwort, elodea, hydrilla, fanwort, naiads, watermilfoil and nearly all pondweeds.
Our number #1 product for bottom growing algae types like Chara.
Safe algae control for Koi and other exotic fish types - Recommended for the truly small garden and decorative ponds, typically measured in gallons.